Holy Cow! This Kid!
We first met Griffen when he brought us some orphaned bunnies. He has a passion for animals and asked how he could help. He tried to give us his birthday money, and we couldn’t take it, but we told him if he really wanted to help, he can collect old towels, cages, dog food, blankets, newspaper, etc.. He went door to door and on social media, even got donations from as far away as Montana! He then showed up with bags and bags of food, towels, cages, cleaning supplies, etc… pretty awesome fellow animal lover!
We would like to thank everyone that has donated food, cages, and supplies… Lots of people think this is a paying job or that there is some sort of government tax cut/ stipend to work as an Ohio wildlife rehab/ rescuer, but it is all volunteer. It is paid solely by us and any type of donation we receive. 97 animals in Spring of 2018 were received, and many many have a very happy ending to their story!